Doha North Sewage Treatment Works include the following:
1.Design, construction and operation of a 245,000m3/day phase 1 average flow capacity sewage treatment works (STW). Once the phase 1 is operational, the treatment facilities and infrastructure will provide upgraded services to a projected population of over 900,000 residents of Doha and the surrounding catchments to the north of the capital.
2.In brief the component works include:
•Inlet works with screens & grit removal
•Storm water storage tanks
•Aerobic/anaerobic/anoxic biological treatment
•Secondary settlement
•Tertiary treatment filtration
•Ultraviolet disinfection
•Chlorine disinfection
•Treated sewage effluent balancing
•Sludge thickening
•Aerobic sludge digestion
•Sludge dewatering
•Sludge thermal drying
•Pelletized sludge storage and handling
•Septage tanker reception
•Storm water lagoon storage
•Odour control
•Standby generators
•Access roads